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Chicken salad, avocado and honey

Chicken salad with honey and avocado

Ingredients (4 persons)

  • 3 Medium avocados
  • 6 boneless chicken breasts
  • 3 tablespoons whole wheat flour
  • 2 olive oil spoons
  • 2 tablespoons chicken stock
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest
  • 1/2 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon of squeezed lemon
  • Salt and pepper


We batter the chicken in flour to fry it with olive oil in the pan. Once fried, sleep the onion with the same oil. We mix the chicken with the broth and the honey with the orange zest to drizzle the chicken together with paprika, salt and pepper.

Next prepare the avocados with lemon, cutting them into thin segments. Once this is done we will anoint the chicken again with honey and orange zest. To finish we place the chicken breasts on the avocado and voilá segments!

Enjoy your meal!

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