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Privacy Policy

For the purposes of the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, through this Privacy Policy, REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. (onwards, "REYES GUTIÉRREZ") informs users (onwards, the "User" or "Users") from website (onwards, "Website") about its policy of protection of personal data collected from Users of the Website, so that they freely and voluntarily determine if they wish to provide REYES GUTIÉRREZ with the personal data that may be required or that may be obtained about them when they access and use the Website.

The only personal data to which REYES GUTIÉRREZ will have access through the Website will be those that the User voluntarily provides. In this sense, the User must know that for registration and registration of the services offered through the Website, personal data will be requested.. In the cases and with respect to the data in which the User is expressly so indicated, if you do not provide them, you will not be able to access or use the referred services and contents.
REYES GUTIÉRREZ expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be disclosed to third parties, and that whenever some type of transfer of personal data was to take place, previously, express consent will be requested, informed and unequivocal by the holders. In compliance with current regulations, REYES GUTIÉRREZ expressly states that it has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data it deals with., as well as to avoid its possible loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.
Treatment of personal data provided through the Website

In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 from December, of Protection of Personal Data and in the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 from December, by which the Regulations for the development of the Organic Law are approved 15/1999, REYES GUTIÉRREZ, with address in Apdo. de Correos nº65 Camino de Málaga s / n 29700 Velez-Malaga (Málaga) Spain, informs all Website Users to provide their personal data, that these will be incorporated into an automated file of personal data owned by REYES GUTIÉRREZ in order to offer you the best service and keep you informed.
The User is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the personal data communicated, REYES GUTIÉRREZ reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any User who has provided false data, without prejudice to the other actions that proceed in Law. REYES GUTIÉRREZ guarantees in any case to the User the exercise of their access rights, rectification, cancellation, information and opposition, by sending an express request through the above address. In accordance with the applicable regulations on data protection, This request must contain the following data of the affected: Name and surname, Domicile for the purpose of notifications, photocopy of the National Identity Document or any other document, valid in law, that proves your identity and request in which the request is specified. Likewise, in the event of any change in your data, REYES GUTIÉRREZ requests Users to update them by sending an email to the address
In the same way, the User may unsubscribe from any of the subscription services provided, for example, el newsletter, by clicking on the "unsubscribe" section through the emails sent by REYES GUTIÉRREZ.
Social Responsibility Policy

The senior management of REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. in their desire to get an organization highly involved with society and the environment around them, decided to implement a Management System that was not only focused on production, but also, take into account the global society in which it carries out its activity for it, assume, communicates and implements the following commitments in all its activities:
Respect and protection of fundamental human rights without distinction of nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other condition, for it; It enhances the talent and professional career of its employees and establishes a work environment in which strict compliance with occupational health and safety regulations is carried out., For it, makes the selection of personnel attending only to the professional worth of the candidate and hiring each individual in accordance with the law and without establishing differences in terms of training and professional orientation; Prioritize equality in remuneration, the number of hours of work and rest established, paid vacation, maternity leave, security during the period of occupation, the policy of promotions, social security and occupational and health security.

Surveillance of the violation of human rights. Avoid being directly or indirectly complicit in these abuses.
All the staff of REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. you are free to join or join a union, without this implying discrimination by the management, which also recognizes the right to collective bargaining in order to reach jointly accepted agreements.
REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. rejects and persecutes forced labor (in any of its variants, Debt Repayment Jobs, child labor, provision of services by prisoners without supervision of public authorities) or any practice close to exploitation (such as the obligation to work more hours than the legal ones or the retention of deposits in exchange for employment).

REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. does not accept among its suppliers and customers those who in any way make use of child labor, as defined by international organizations, considering that the minimum age for a worker is fifteen years.

REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. works to avoid all forms of discrimination among its collaborators, be it for "race", color, sex, religion, political opinions, nationality of origin or social extraction, physical or mental disability, for reasons of age, be HIV positive.

REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. develops its activity from a preventive environmental approach regarding pollution and natural resource management. It is involved with the conservation of the environment in an effective way, for this, it maintains an environmental management system, and scrupulously complies with environmental legislation, in terms of effective waste and by-product management.

The senior management of REYES GUTIÉRREZ S.L. , and all the staff of the organization, behaves honestly, avoiding and denouncing any practice that may have an impact on the reputation of the organization.

All these aspects are actively communicated and evaluated to all interested parties of REYES GUTIÉRREZ.


REYES GUTIERREZ SL, You can choose a Double Opt-In List system that will involve double validation. The Double Opt-In List procedure consists in that the user will register or enter their data through the web form and immediately proceed to confirmation in order to verify that the email entered in the web form is valid. Once the recipient receives said email, they must proceed to validate it and as a consequence the entity will have proof that the email entered is valid and existing. In the event that REYES GUTIERREZ SL makes commercial communications through email or equivalent means of communication, must comply with and comply with the provisions of the Law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

If REYES GUTIERREZ SL has a website, it contains data collection forms, so that the users of the page can contact the entity or send their questions and suggestions, must comply with the legal requirements regarding data protection. In this case, You can incorporate this clause at the bottom of the form:

In accordance with current and applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, We inform you that your data will be incorporated into the treatment system owned by REYES GUTIERREZ SL with CIF B29607751 and registered office at CAMINO DE MALAGA S / N APARTADO 65 29700, VELEZ MALAGA (MÁLAGA), and that their respective purposes are listed below, retention periods and legal bases. For those treatments that require it, It is also informed of the possible elaboration of profiles and automated decisions, as well as the possible assignments and international transfers that REYES GUTIERREZ SL plans to carry out:

– Purpose: Respond to your queries and / or requests and Installation of cookies
– Conservation period: as long as the consent given is maintained.
– Legitimate basis: The consent of the interested party.

In accordance with the rights conferred by current and applicable regulations on data protection, you may exercise your access rights, rectification, treatment limitation, suppression (“right to be forgotten”), portability and opposition to the treatment of your personal data as well as the revocation of the consent given for the treatment of the same, By directing your request to the postal address CAMINO DE MALAGA S / N SECTION 65 29700, VELEZ MALAGA (MÁLAGA) or to the email You can contact the competent Control Authority to present the claim that you consider appropriate.

Data identified with a brand (*) are understood as mandatory and required fields, consequently they will be understood as necessary to undertake the aforementioned purposes.

By sending the data collection form you accept the privacy policy of REYES GUTIERREZ SL.