Video of our manager Juan Antonio Reyes Gutierrez and Maria Reyes Lopez, Assistant to Management and Manager of Avofruits, S.L.
Spanish Television visited us to learn a little more about this delicious fruit.
Hass avocado characteristics
Among its main characteristics and advantages, It is noteworthy that it has along harvest, which has allowed to increase its world consumption, just like its great quality. Apart, These avocados contain an oil concentration of up to 12%.
Regarding your portion of water, is from70%, while it also has a broad content of vitamins B and E. As for the fruit and the seed of this, they are relatively small, since its weight is only about 300 grams maximum, while his skin is rough, blackish green color.
However, this last characteristic is only noticeable when they are still in the tree, butwhen it is harvested, skin turns purplish to black. During the time that it begins to mature, the fruit begins to soften. In this way, the consumer can detect the optimal moment to consume it..
These fruits are of excellent quality, well apart from not containing fruit, thesehave a powerful resistance to the post-harvest life that the harvest implies, transportation and distribution.
It should also be noted that this variety of avocados only blooms once a year, whose period isduring spring, since its inception and until the middle of this. Coupled with it, depending on its thermal accumulation and the variety, the time it takes to mature is up to 11 months.
Once this fruit ripens, it can be kept on the tree for a few months without showing any deterioration. This, it is what allows to extend the harvest period.
If you want to learn more about avocado click here and know all the details.