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FruitAttraction 2018


Reyes Gutiérrez has attended the 10th anniversary of the editionFruit Attration, the International Fair of the Fruit and Vegetable Sector, organized by IFEMA and FEPEX.

This fair has established itself as the benchmark international trade meeting point for the sector, not only with the participation of professionals from 120 countries, they have also chosen a key date for campaign planning for interested companies.

Reyes Gutiérrez has been supporting and participating with Fruit Attraction since its inception, that's why it has been even more exciting to have the opportunity to celebrate their 25 years of commitment, dedication and enthusiasm in the subtropical sector during this edition 2018.

For this we have gathered colleagues, relatives, customers, providers, good friends and a large part of the cast that has made it possible for RG today to be considered a business leader.

During the fair we wanted to integrate and participate with each of our brands, innovating in the design of the stand and approaching the consumer with tastings of our products. Both with avocados and RG handles, as with the natural juices and sauces of our subsidiary Avomix.

Another edition ends, and we can say how grateful we are to share a part of Reyes Gutiérrez with you,

See you the next year

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