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Ravioli salad

Ravioli salad with avocado

Today we propose you a healthy and delicious recipe. A delicious avocado ravioli salad.


  • 250 g of fresh pasta stuffed with meat ravioli
  • 200 g avocado
  • 125 g of mozzarella
  • 400 g of tomatoes
  • 200 g of chives
  • 2 olive oil spoons
  • sal
  • Pepper


  • Cocer ravioli. Drain, and still hot season them with a little oil, pepper. Spread out on a tray and let cool.
  • Peel tomatoes, remove the seeds and cut the pulp into squares.
  • Peel the avocado and cut into squares.
  • Cut mozzarella into cubes.
  • Chopping chives.
  • Mix the ravioli with the vegetables and rectify the salt

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