Today we propose you a different aioli, avocado aioli. A good sauce is always the essence and the base of many dishes. Sometimes we can become conventional and be little innovative in the mix of flavors. And the kitchen is precisely for that, to innovate and be creative, mix new ingredients with the traditional flavors of always. This time, we bring you the traditional aioli, sauce more than known to all, but this time we go further and add the flavor of Axarquía, the taste of nature, the taste of tropical, yes we are talking about avocado. An avocado aioli will become the perfect complement to your toasts, as an accompaniment to your favorite fish or crowning a good grilled sirloin.
Ingredients for avocado aioli
- 1 egg
- 1 small garlic clove
- 1 avocado
- a pinch of salt
- sunflower oil
To start we will select a ripe avocado, ready to eat. We will peel it and cut it into small cubes. We reserve it for later use. Then, in the glass of the mixer we will add the egg, garlic clove and a pinch of salt. We are beating little by little and at the same time we are adding the olive oil until it curdles. Up to here we would have a normal aioli. To end, we would add the star ingredient, avocado. We will beat everything until we get a homogeneous mixture. If we think it necessary to add a little oil, we add it, until it acquires the consistency that we like.
And ready!! We already have our avocado aioli ready. For a denser texture, we will put it in the fridge, where we will let it cool until serving time.
An original sauce, loaded with flavor and texture. A different accompaniment for those dishes that need a special touch to make them stand out.